Free Case Frameworks Guide: https://managementconsulted.com/case-interview-frameworks-ultimate-guide/
Case Interview Prep is the key to successfully getting an offer from target consulting firm. Case interviews are essentially real business problems that the consulting firm most likely helped a client with. They take all the data and factors the had to look at for that business problem and present it to a prospective consultant, to assess their problem solving skills and business acumen. Understanding the case structure and applying appropriate case frameworks, using time wisely, and having accurate mental math all contribute to being successful in your case interview.
Watch as Lisa (ex-McKinsey) takes an actual case prompt and structures her approach on paper, then communicates it back to the interviewer. This is very similar to what would be expected in a real case interview.
To work with Lisa or our other ex-MBB coaches on 1:1 interview prep, check out https://managementconsulted.com/management-consulting-interviews/ .
Great practical YouTube content from www.managementconsulted.com:
Case Interview Playlist: http://bit.ly/CaseInterviewPlaylist
Consulting Fit Interviews: http://bit.ly/FitInterviewsPlaylist
Consulting Resumes: http://bit.ly/ConsultingResumesPlaylist
Networking for Consulting: http://bit.ly/NetworkingForConsultingPlaylist
Great intro YouTube content from www.managementconsulted.com:
Consulting 101- All your basic consulting questions answered: http://bit.ly/Consulting101Playlist
Consulting Firms 101 Playlist: http://bit.ly/ConsultingFirmsPlaylist
Is Consulting Right For You Playlist: http://bit.ly/IsConsultingRightForYou
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