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2021 Slot Machines played today:
0:00 Penny Pier
4:33 Invaders from Planet Moolah
7:10 Cash Machine
9:21 All Aboard Piggy Pennies
12:29 Lightning Link Eyes of Fortune
15:15 2X 3X 4X Super Times Pay
21:09 Lock it Link Night Life
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PRODUCER: Bob W, William O
ASSOCIATE PRODUCERS: Chris P, David T, Rob R, Pablo M, Alfonso M, Maria M, Lawrence , Steve B, John M, Monica H ,Don D, Mark W,James M, Anna R, George W, Renn J.
CO-PRODUCERS: Kelly J, Timothy H, Michael M, Venus C, Terrie Y, Kenzie H, Jennifer L, Elyzabeth C, Anna M, Crystal R, Tracy M, Joshua B, Erich H, Barbara D, Stephen M, Jose O, Susie S, Lyn-Ellen S, Deb L, Wendi G, Christian K, Candy K, Sherri B, Wade S, Donna F, Stephanie P, D Owens, Kenneth T, Stefanie M, Miles W.
Videos are Edited by Brian Christopher and John Roberts.
I promote educational and responsibly fun gambling as I travel the globe teaching you about slot machines and casinos. Watch me as I play slots between $1 and $100 a spin!
These videos are intended for 18+ only. If you have troubles with gambling, please seek help. Remember that the odds are with the Casinos, so know your limit and use an entertainment budget only. If you think you may have a problem, visit www.ncpgambling.org in the USA or look up your local branch.
#BrianChristopher #Slots #Casino #BigWin #BCSlots#Casino #Rudies4Life #LasVegas
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