Ego Peeking: Dumb or Fun? ft. Swagger - chocoTaco PUBG Duos Gameplay

Ego Peeking: Dumb or Fun? ft. Swagger - chocoTaco PUBG Duos Gameplay

There are so many things that could have cost the chocolate tacolate and Swagger this game: LarkShark, ego peeks, sneezing while driving, Swagger touching choco's vending machine, SLRs without attachments, Mini14s WITH attachments, DMRs in general, choco asking if they're going to win, Swagger starting to "try," hard zone shifts, soft zone shifts, choco's amazing driving skills, Swagger going for many many kills, and ObiWannCoyote (he's not in this game but I like to blame him for as many things as possible). In fact, the only thing that DIDN'T come close to costing choco and Swag the game was uppity guy and his generic "your mom"-style comeback that Beth muted which proved his insults are about as good as his gameplay. So strap in, folks. It's a crazy one. And I don't want to give anything away about the end or anything, but it may or may not involve chocoTaco accurately predicting Swagger getting knocked. - Beth

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Music: "DuDa" by Ian Post, from

Keywords: PUBG gameplay, chocoTaco, #chocoTaco #PUBG #Swagger M4, SLR, Mini14, DMR, Miramar

pubgplayerunknown's battlegroundspubattlegrounds

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