Narcissistic abuse has 3 distinct phases1. Love bombing 2. Devaluation and finally, 3. Discard
The victim is so confused and distraught, being unable to understand what happened and why.
They write a heartfelt letter to the narcissist with hopes that they will understand how damaging
and hurtful their actions are and will then begin to work on the relationship.
This NEVER happens during discard. By the time one gets to this phase, the narcissist has long made up their mind about moving on from you. The victim is left in disbelief and needs to catch up.
If they share a family, triangulation and parental alienation has or is occurring
If you share property, prepare for post separation abuse in the form of litigation in particular. The plan, plot and strategize malignant narc has already planned how they will take it all. They did this while you were grieving. They called you crazy for grieving and paranoid for thinking such ill thoughts about them. But you would be wise to trust your gut, stop the crying for as long as you can, and start defending yourself against the smear campaign. This is not a simple case of gossip. The smear campaign is designed to humiliate you, to demean and devalue you at your core, in front of anyone, but especially those closest to you.
Sound too unreal? I went through it and every survivor will tell you the same. They dont care about your feelings. They care about how they appear so you will see cognitive empathy. Only. Here is the letter i wrote. It barely got a response. That is what NPD looks like. That is what no to low amounts of empathy manifests.