IELTS Listening Actual Test 2021 with Answers | 13.07.2021

IELTS Listening Actual Test 2021 with Answers | 13.07.2021

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๐Ÿ‘‰ IELTS Listening Actual Test 2021 with Answers | 13.07.2021

๐Ÿ‘‰There are seven main types of questions that you will get in the IELTS listening test. Each one tests a slightly different sub-skill.
๐Ÿ‘‰This is done deliberately by the exam owners (The British Council, IDP and Cambridge) as the listening sub-skills relate directly to the situations you might face if you are going to work, travel and live in an English speaking country.
It is important that you are familiar with each style of question before the day of your test. If you are not you are likely to have to focus on working out 'how to answer the question' rather than focusing 100% on listening for the right answer to the question.
๐Ÿ‘‰Once you have mastered and practiced the strategies that I am about to give you, you will be able to focus 100% on getting the right answer to the question. This can mean the difference between getting the band score you want and not doing so.
So, practice these strategies until they become 'second nature', that means until you follow the strategies without even thinking about it. Once you have reached this point you are in a position to maximise your band score with your current level of listening ability.
๐Ÿ‘‰These strategies are simple step-by-step procedures that anyone can learn to follow. They have worked for thousands of candidates before you, so I am confident they will work well for you too! Here they are:
๐Ÿ‘‰IELTS Listening Question Types:
Type 1: Multiple Choice
Type 2: Matching
Type 3: Plan/map/diagram labeling
Type 4: Form/note/table/flow-chart completion
Type 5: Summary completion
Type 6: Sentence completion
Type 7: Short answer questions
๐Ÿ‘‰"Crack Ielts with Rob" would like to support you guys who want to take IELTS preparation exam by our rich resource materials.
๐Ÿ‘‰Subscribe to the channel for more IELTS listening practice tests.
To help you in your IELTS preparation, here are some tips for the listening test:
TIP #1: Take care with spelling. If you spell a word incorrectly, it will be marked as incorrect.
TIP #2: Similarly, take care with word endings: if the correct answer is "cats" and you write "cat", your answer will be marked as incorrect.
TIP #3: Beware of distractors - this is information put into the recording that is similar to the answer, but is not the answer. For example, if you are listening for someone's date of birth, you might hear a date, but might be for something else.
TIP #4: You will be given some time to read the questions before each recording is played. Read the questions very carefully as you will hear each recording only once, so you want to be familiar with the questions before you hear the recording.
TIP #5: Write down your answers while you listen - you will need to write and listen at the same time.
TIP #6: Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything you hear. Listen out for the keywords from the questions and focus on what you need to be listening out for.
TIP #7: If you miss a question, don’t dwell on it because you may miss the answer to the next one. So, if you miss one, move on.
Tip #8: Make sure you follow the word count in the instructions of each question. For example, if the instructions say “write no more than one word” and you write “the train” instead of “train”, your answer will be marked as incorrect.
๐Ÿ‘‰NOTE: In the computer-based IELTS exam, you will not have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to your answer sheet.

๐Ÿ‘‰IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is a globally recognized English language exam, designed to assess the language proficiency of people who need to work or study where English is the language of communication.

IELTS scores are recognized for entry into the majority of universities and colleges in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada. It’s also becoming increasingly used by universities and colleges in the United States.

IELTS scores are also recognized by many professional bodies, immigration authorities and government agencies.

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