The #Bahais in #Iran have faced 40 years of state-sponsored hate propaganda. #StopHatePropaganda ایران_بدون_نفرت#
This video has been uploaded to be tweeted in the Twitter storm (https://twitter.com/lukeslott) on Thursday 15th July 2021. This twitter event is an effort to put pressure on the government of Iran to stop publishing hate propaganda, using the hashtag #StopHatePropaganda
For more details about the Twitter storm, see https://youtu.be/et9kkJYYa98
Studio version of this song: https://youtu.be/IfH1iMuYKDs
First public performance of this song in 2011: https://youtu.be/nttzWg1PicU
New AlbumBaha’idevotional music