r/Choosingbeggars "Guests Must PAY ME To Attend My Wedding!"

r/Choosingbeggars "Guests Must PAY ME To Attend My Wedding!"

r/Choosingbeggars In today's episode, we have a completely entitled bridezilla who posts a long list of bizarre rule for her guests. Rules include "you must pay the bride to attend the wedding" and "you must not speak to the bride at any time." We've also got a delusional writer who thinks that she's written the next Twilight about a princess who really wants to passionately hug a vampire, but she can't because of politics. Exciting!

๐Ÿค‘ r/Choosingbeggars My Boss Fired Me, Then Begged Me For Money! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZOjQOhJ9zs


#reddit #choosingbeggars #funnyredditposts
"Sneaky Snitch" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), License: CC By Attribution 3.0


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