Today, Friday, July 23, 2021, we continued trimming the hedges along the fence on the Zamora side. These branches have been growing over the fence for a number of years. We’re not done yet. We still have to carry the trimmings to the street to be picked up. Hopefully, we can do that next week. If anyone wishes to help us we welcome your help.
The Sacristy or Priest’s Quarters is a small room on the side of the church. It contains an old cot and was used mostly for storage of old and unneeded stuff. Jimmy connected the water hose and he sprayed the floor and walls while I swept and pushed the debris outside. Working together is much easier.
We still have the situation of the pigeons. It seems that a cat has been visiting for lunch. We are finding lots of pigeon feathers in and out of the church. While we don’t like to destroy the birds, Nature seems to be playing out and providing a “helping hand.”
We want to reiterate that the Church is not open to the public yet. We are providing some cosmetic repairs on a temporary basis. But the church grounds are always open and we invite the public to come by and do anything to keep the grounds clean (pick up trash, trim the hedges, mow the lawn, sweep the sidewalk, trim the trees, etc.). Every little bit counts and is welcomed. Praise the Lord.