Hi guys! Welcome back to my channel ๐ค
In this video i wanted to share something big that is happening in my life. It's a big move for and i thought of sharing this with you all. Leaving country is a big step but sometime you have to let go things and take that one step which is meant for you and your future. I was very nervous while taking this step but now it is nothing less than mixed emotions but as we say whatever happens happens for good and go with the flow.
Stay tuned for more videos super soon✨and I’ll see you in my next one!
Hope you enjoy this video!
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Much love :*
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My Shadow Beats
#foreigncountry #movingtoanewcountry #movingabroad #leavingindia #settlingoutofindia #myshadowbeats #indiato? #newcountry #abroadvlog #movingtoforeignvlog