Submitting a Tender | Tender VLE

Submitting a Tender | Tender VLE

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When you reach the submission stage of tendering, there are a couple of things you
should consider from a design point of view.

1. What will your submission look like printed?

We are living in a digital age. At Hudson Succeed, the majority of the tenders we submit are sent digitally. In fact, the percentage of bids where the buyer requires a postal submission is approximately 3-5%. This does not mean, however, that your digital submission wonā€™t be printed by the buyer for review. It is vital that you consider how your tender will look in a hardcopy format, in every submission.

Designing for print involves a specific skill set that you may not have in-house but there are steps you can take to ensure your bid remains true to the design, should the buyer print your response. As part of your proofing process, print a copy of the proposal yourself, this way you can assess any blurring or colour differences that may hinder the clarity before submitting your bid.

2. Format

Another thing to consider when submitting a bid is the format of the documents you send. Submitting a document from Microsoft Word or a similar programme can be problematic. This may result in the loss of your brand font (as the buyer most likely will not have it installed on their computer) or other formatting errors that can make your proposal look unprofessional and waste the time spent designing. Therefore, I would always suggest that you submit your proposal as a PDF.

A PDF is a cross-platform format that can be opened on any main operating system, and more importantly from a design point of view, PDFs maintain the documents formatting by embedding the fonts. This means that the document the buyer receives will be an exact replica.

You can export to PDF from most design and word processing programmes so it should not be a challenge to submit your bid in that format.

Further information

If you still have unanswered questions or require support with a live tender, contact our team at Hudson Succeed for a free consultation.

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