Sunday Service | 25-07-2021 | 09.00 am
Speaker : Rev Paul Anbarasu
Topic : "Learning to rejoice"
Bible Reading : Philippians 3: 1 - 11
Kirk Sunday School 2021-2022 Registration Link: https://forms.gle/6SN9haSK9T5ujd3d7
Bible Quiz Registration Link: https://www.thekirk.in/quiz
For In-Person Service Registration: https://www.thekirk.in/booking
For Payment Bank Details: https://www.thekirk.in/giving
St. Andrew's Church
The Kirk.
Egmore - Chennai - India.
Phone : +91 44 2561 2608 / 93613 07288
Email : admin@thekirk.in
Website: https://www.thekirk.in
00:00 - Pre Bell
01:48 - Prelude
04:26 - Opening Prayer
06:48 - Praise and Worship
22:48 - Confession Prayer
26:08 - Announcements
31:47 - Outreach Sunday School Presentation
45:04 - Hymn - "Breathe on Me, Breath of God"
46:39 - Bible Reading
49:14 - Sermon
1:35:16 - Intercessory Prayer
1:47:46 - Hymn - "Be thou my vision"
1:50:14 - Closing Prayer
1:53:28 - Postlude