Who are our RULERS? Why don't we know anything accurately about them? Distorted History?

Who are our RULERS? Why don't we know anything accurately about them? Distorted History?

Welcome everybody!!! ~ Who are our RULERS? Why don't we know anything accurately about them? Distorted History? A general discussion among our friends -- Himani Ji, Gautam Chaturvedi Ji, Nisha Ji and JRM.

Please note that none of us are panelists or guests. All members of our discussions are independent thinkers, intellectuals and wise, spirituality oriented beings. As such, we might any or all the mistakes that any human being might make. [E&OE]...

Previously completed live streams:
What is Faith? What is Belief? Why are people losing either or both recently? What can we do? What is Rajayoga and Vipareeta Rajayoga?

Who was JOHN PERRY BARLOW? What's his contribution to our society? Who's Allison Mack? KWON? BPPRO?

What is INTUITION? Why must we listen to it? How's it separate from our Mind? What's our purpose in life?

Where does the misconception lie? How much compassion should we exercise for somebody who's been unfortunately addicted to drugs near you? Do you consider Alcoholics as addicts too?

Let's examine them all closely.

DISCLAIMER: We do not pass judgments on any person who has been addicted to any form of recreational drug or alcohol. However, we do ask people to seek healing from alternative energy healing genres of facilitators if available around you and if possible. Please use discretion, discernment and do NOT take my words as some sorta "Bible truths in any matter."

I'm only sharing whatever a lot of individuals from extended family and friends, acquaintances and professional colleagues have experienced in their lives and come to me for astrological and healing remedies at times. Based on their experiences and facts before and after their coming to me, I'm presenting this series of videos for people to only get educated about this delicate subject matter and not become "Obsessed" with anything.

Are there real solutions for tackling such cases? Yes there are.

CAUTION and DISCLAIMER: Even those people who have a solid reason and a strong conviction that they or someone they are around in life for real, are FULLY convinced that they have been effected by some form of BLACK MAGIC must learn to discern and choose from a varied pantheon of learned / wise people and their remedial measures. Of course, one shouldn't indulge in things they aren't well versed in. Most of these cases could easily be termed in medical language as "Schizophrenic Paranoia" or even "Psychological Disorder."

Previous live streamed sessions are described below:

Is there something called Black Magic and White Magic? Or Magic is simply MAGIC? Does it become White or Black Magic based on our own intentions, attachments to outcomes and desires? If one is effected by Black Magic of any kind then what precautions must one take before we indulge in our attempts to try and save the effected person from such a spell or psychic attack? Should we use some spiritual shields? Are those sufficient or must we use some physical shield as well? Or should we simply not go anywhere near such things at all? Let's learn everything about these matters, together and for the benefit of all humanity.

What are MIRACLES? Do we witness miracles often or rarely or frequently?

Is there any truth in a new narrative about SSR's being alive? Who's benefiting from it? ~ Let's examine this matter together and do it politely.

It's within our free will and choices to agree to disagree with others in our society and in any particular movement as well. (IMHO --) The more important thing for us to consider is to PARTICIPATE than always think about "Winning or losing."

Previous Live Streams:

What are the KEYSTONES? Which SECRET SOCIETIES erect these ARCHES / KEYSTONES? Why are these KEYSTONES given such importance in history? Ever thought about them? Who are our controllers that build these arches and keystones?
This Live Stream will also have a trial run for our Discord Chat Client. (Link is given below.)

Past / published videos: Bandar Aur madaari ki Kahaani - Bhaag 3 (Billionaires versus common people.) Bandar Aur Madaari Ki kahaani - (This video is always intended for an audience who are interested in educational and entertainment values. We present such videos in the form of a SATIRE, as if a Balladeer is singing in the streets of a small village or a town, narrating the stories of a cruel King or Queen, and in connection with the world's situation today.)

MAIN THEME of our channel: How and why did the normal people allow their lives to be taken over (and destroyed) by a bunch of worthless zealots in our society?)
Discord Chat link: https://discord.gg/9vjRbkVyj9

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