Yavin & Upala express their retreat intention with Authentic Singing & Dancing

Yavin & Upala express their retreat intention with Authentic Singing & Dancing

Yavin & Upala just asked themselves, "What is the sound and movement of our upcoming retreat?". And then they just surrendered to their bodies and voices in a gentle flow of authentic expression.

Discover the Songdance Retreat 'Space for you' from 11 till 15 August in Slovenia.

πŸ’™ What is Authentic Singing and Dancing, and why join a retreat with Songdance? πŸ’™

Authentic Singing and Dancing is all about opening up to your innate creativity, bringing life into your energy body, bringing joy and releasing stuck emotions, relieving pain, stress and emotional overwhelm, finding peace and balance and entering deep states of meditation.

You are creative beyond measure. Singing and dancing is your birthright. Maybe your capacity for free authentic expression is buried somewhere deep inside of you, but it is never lost! This is why you deserve a Space for you. A space where you can regain your natural freedom, wisdom and self-healing capabilities. You will be surprised to discover a powerful creativity that is a unique expression of YOU.

Joining a retreat with like-minded people is not only about coming home to yourself, it’s also about finding companionship and deep human connection. We all need this, we all long for this so much. A retreat is a safe space where you can let go of all your little and big worries, come home to your body, heart and soul.

More info can be found here: https://www.songdance.co/retreat-slovenia/

retreatspiritual retreatspiritual retreat experience

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