You’re more than what you’re going through.
In “You Are Not It,” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church reveals that God doesn’t see us through the lens of what we’ve done, but for who we are.
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See what God can do through you. This is the vision of Elevation Church, led by Pastor Steven Furtick and based in Charlotte, NC with multiple locations throughout the US and Canada.
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Section Titles:
0:00 - Why Couldn't We Do It? (Mark 9, verses 14-29)
4:55 - You Are Not It
7:00 - "I Would Choose You."
10:40 - This Is What I Fear
12:14 - Every Parent Has Said This Before (Mark 9, verse 19)
13:45 - You Are Not What You Do (Mark 9, verses 25, 28-29)
16:05 - Have You Confused The Power With The Source?
18:27 - Trying To Pacify Your Problems (Genesis 32, verses 20-21)
19:50 - You Are Not Your Gift (Genesis 32, verse 21)
21:44 - Have You Accepted The Gift of Grace? (Ephesians 2, verses 8-10)
24:18 - Stop Defining Yourself By The Work You Do (Ephesians 2, verse 10)
26:20 - I'm Not As Crazy As You Think
28:50 - You Are Fighting The Wrong Battle
31:29 - Negativity Is Not Who I Am
32:58 - Where Theology Meets Therapy
35:00 - Doubt Is Not Your Identity (Mark 9, verse 22)
36:30 - Everybody Has An Issue
38:42 - What Has Depression Robbed You Of?
40:13 - When You Are Only Identified By What You Do
42:35 - You Won't Always Be This Way
44:37 - Bring It Straight To Jesus
46:30 - You Are The One God Put In That Position
47:48 - God Is Separating You From It
49:10 - How You Can Fight The Enemy This Week
52:00 - You Can Receive God's Grace Today
You Are Not It | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church