I decided after purchasing a Tee Shirt from eBay , which simply shows a mobile picture on it , with the words " Jesus Calling Accept or Decline"
That statement is a great witnessing tool in itself, its a great convo starter, and a great conversation finisher ( even if you have been talking about other things than Salvation ) you can end your chat with " Oh by the way , this Tee Shirt displays a choice , which button will you press ? "
I'm encouraged by the results I must say , they really put people on the spot .
I bought 5 of those shirts for wearing pretty much daily , and the responses are pretty amazing !
The Car decals I got from https://www.redbubble.com/ thats a a site for budding artists etc , to sell what they make , as with everywhere else there is good and bad on it , but it's a trusted website , I can confirm that much from my experience on it .
My supplier seems to have stopped trading but similar to what our car has is availbe here
You can probarbly get this sticker in various sizes on other online trading sites , and with the tee shirts too .
They dont have to be the stickers I have , you can find many christian decals saying other Bible based words.
So if you want to make a statement from parked up , walking around or on the fly in your car . on your front door etc I'm sure these tools will advance the cause .
I was a bit down the day I did this video , but in the end it's ok , it does what it says on the tin .
God bless you ALL out there always In Jesus Mighty Name
From me David and Mum Susannah ( In The Spirit )
I know she would have loved this thats a fact , she was the best soul winner I ever knew and she called this car the God Pod ha ha ! and I'm so glad she was my mum, and I know one day I'll see her again !! :)
No Glory to us or credit , it's all His thats why !