Ain't Goin' Down Till the Sun Comes Up - Garth Brooks cover by Reina del Cid and Toni Lindgren
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We've got one of the most rippin' Garth Brooks tunes for you this week!
Thanks so much to our Cidizens on Patreon who made this video possible. If you love spending your Sunday Mornings with us, check out our Patreon community: http://patreon.com/reinadelcid
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Zoom H6 (mobile audio recorder): https://s71.co/3ndchRi
AKG C414: https://s71.co/3nifIWE
Earthworks SR40V: https://s71.co/2IOKQOF
Reamped guitar
Canon EOS R: https://s71.co/37PAMgR
Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM: https://s71.co/2JZbQvf
Canon RF 35mm f/1.8 IS Macro STM: https://s71.co/2YFrf7H
Adobe Premiere: https://s71.co/3a2W1yi
Pro Tools: https://s71.co/37TNgEc
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