An excerpt : The Power of Choices // Young & Wise (C)
To watch the full video : https://youtu.be/5H4wRzCwK2c
The Young Church Fellowship seeks to take the earliest opportunity possible to nurture the young people in righteousness that lay a firm spiritual foundation to govern them throughout their lives.
This series of teachings will cover:-
1. Young & Hopeful,
2. Young & Wise,
3. Young & Saved,
4. Young & the Gospel,
5. Young & Virtuous.
"Grace for Transformation", Kenya - A Bible teaching Outreach Ministry; Pastors and Leaders Conferences, TV Ministry, and Writing of Christian Literature.
You may partner with us: There is no charge for listening to the Word of God. We however accept your freewill offering, towards the furtherance of the gospel, whenever you are motivated by the love of God!
You may contact us : +254 722 737495 or +254 733 633035
You may write to us : gracefortransformation@gmail.com
You may visit our website : http://gcckenya.org/
Watch and subscribe to our teachings on our YouTube channel :
Grace for Transformation, Kenya https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKU2MhmlG2XvhS4yJHFHsvw
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