The unexpected revelations that come in the middle of the night, while sleeping, alone, and outside, under a sky filled with meteors and wonder! Lucid dreaming at night and God inspired awakenings! How stars and furry creatures can help a woman with an incurable disease! #Revelation #Camping #PETS
Cat shat in the box!
A woman after an orgasm!
If you have Fibromyalgia, MS, Lupus, CRPS, ME, and other Auto-immune disease, please reach out to others like you. We may not have the exact same pain or shared experience, but talk, talk, talk, even when loved ones are telling you they don't want to hear anymore. The community is wide and varied on social media and we should never feel alone!! Spread this shit far and wide, Fibro and the like is not just in your head, like a weakness, like a helpless loose tissue! You are not a feather in the wind, you are a strong human being!
here is a site that is "friendly" to people like us! Please share yours as well!