Dragonary | Frequently Asked Questions ng mga ka DRAGONAIRES! Pag-Usapan natin
Some FAQ's today:
Q: I got common rarity account, why did I not received CYT even when I farmed 1,000 obsidian daily?
A: All CYT rewards are distributed on the Coinary Hub. Please Check your coinary hub account at https://hub.coinary.com
Q: I bought 1 Mining Pack which contains 1 Rare dragon, why do I only have common rarity account?
A: It is clearly stated in the Whitepaper that you should at least own 3 of the highest rarity dragons, therefore, you should have bought at least 3 Mining packs.
Q: Why is my obsidian keeps getting to 0 everyday?
A: Obsidian levels resets to 0 daily at exactly 0:00 UTC.
Q: Why is the ember fusion not working?
A: The dragonary team is working hard to fix all the errors.
Q: Why did the uncommon accounts increased?
A: Maybe because some players have just claimed their Starting Farming Packs today.
Q: Is there a fee needed to hatch eggs.
A: Packages purchased on presale...NO... but breeding will.
Q: Why are there no updates from the Dragonary team?
A: To get the official and latest announcements, please join the telegram room https://t.me/DragonaryAnn
Q: Why did I see empty rewards after doing an ember battle?
A: Those are just Visual Bugs, if you tried checking your obisdian levels after winning an ember battle, it will still increase by 200 and you will still get an additional spark.
Q: Do I need to be concerend when I received the message "“Your account was opened on another device” ?
A: No, devs are fixing bug.
Q: Where can I download the latest game app?
A: Always check the official tele channel for the latest ver
Windows: https://we.tl/t-HoPpxuJHAq
Android: https://we.tl/t-cWvaJBC2Wo
macOs: https://we.tl/t-CtAmx2UpVl
Q: When/How to unlock the medium/hard levels of embers?
A: As of now it is not yet available, it will surely be implemented soon. Please be patient.
Q: Why did I not receive CYT rewards today?
A: It is probably because you were not able to get 1,000/1,000 Obsidian Levels before 0:00 UTC (Please use google to convert the exact time in your respective timezones)
Q: How can I get rare dragons without buying in market place?
A: We can breeding 2 Uncommon dragons, the summary of the stats of the resultant dragon must be +90
Q: Are we allowed to have multiple accounts?
A: if multiple accounts are used at same ip address to farm & funnel into one account then you will be banned. Play honest and you won't have an issue, cheat then get banned. If you must ask if what you are doing is cheating then it probably is since you feel it is otherwise why ask.
Q: If I bought coinary token from converting from a different token... can I use it to breed or I can only use minted tokens to breed?
A: You can use any official Coinary Token for everything related to Dragonary (breed, fuse, fees, etc.)
Q: how long will it take to buy the starter packs?
A: Sorry to say but the answer is NEVER. The presale for starter packs is already finished. You can however wait for the Marketplace where you can buy dragons (From Rare to Legendary).
Q: Is it possible to finish missions even with 3 common dragons?
A: DEFINITELY!, You can play the Story Missions repeatedly to level up your dragons until they are strong enough to finish the Ember Missions
Q: When can we start using the CYT tokens in game?
A: Scheduled date is August 12, 2021 for purchased CYT.
Q: Are there any ongoing free CYT tokens, dragon eggs or starter pack events from the Dragonary Team?
A: As of now, NONE. Please DO NOT BELIEVE anyone who offers you otherwise.
Q: How many dragons needed in a team?
A: 3 for pve and 5 for pvp
Q: What is the official CYT Contract?
A: 0xd9025e25bb6cf39f8c926a704039d2dd51088063
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FACT: NFT games can never be a substitute or replacement for our work! So, do not quit your job yet :)
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