He’s one of the richest men on the planet. He has a net worth of 165.2 BILLION dollars at the time of writing this video. He gave the world Paypal, Tesla cars, and The Boring Company. He also happens to be the subject of quite a few videos on this very channel! What would we do without him? The man in question is Elon Musk. And while you think you may know everything about him… what you may not have known... is that he’s living in a house that costs less than one of his Tesla cars. … MUCH less. In fact. In case you’re a bit behind on the goings on of Twitter, Musk has publicly stated that he would “own no house”, and he went on to say that he would be selling all worldly possessions. Looks like the day of reckoning has come, because our favorite eccentric billionaire has indeed sold his beautiful mansion located in the Bay Area, and traded it in for a teeny tiny box-of-a-house that is only 400 square feet. Yeah. He’s a man of his word, and we’ve got the scoop on just why, when, and how he did it. Today we want to talk about the minimalist lifestyle that is enjoyed by one of the richest men in the world. It just goes to show, money isn’t everything folks! Maybe we all could be a bit more like Mr. Elon Musk, and try and trade out some of the things that don’t matter in life!
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Written by: Chris Montrose
Narrated by: Chris Montrose
Edited by: Director Gev Yenokyan
For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com
00:00 Intro
00:45 Musk the Minimalist
02:01 His house… is $50,000?
03:08 But… WHY??
04:47 More Minimalists!