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๐๐ Ethics Topics:
1. Ethics and Human Interface
2. Human Values
3. Attitude
4. Aptitude
5. Emotional Intelligence
6. Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and the world
7. Public or Civil Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration
8. Ethical issues in international relations and funding corporate governance
9. Probity in Governance: Concept of public service; Philosophical basis of governance and probity; information
10. Codes of ethics & Citizen’s Charters
Ethics Books for UPSC
1. Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude – G Subba Rao & P N Roy Chowdhury
2. Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude for IAS General Studies Paper IV – Niraj Kumar
3. Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude – Santosh Ajmera & Nanda Kishore Reddy
4. Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude – M Karthikeyan
5. Ethics in Governance: Innovations, Issues and Instrumentalities – Ramesh K Arora
6. ARC Reports
GS Paper 4 Structure
The following are the important features of the UPSC Mains General Studies Paper-IV – Structure/ General Studies IV paper:
The paper consists of twelve questions with these divided into two sections. Before 2018, there were fourteen questions, though now the complexity has been increased and the number of questions has been reduced.
All the questions are compulsory.
The questions are of 10 marks and 20 marks depending on the length of the answer required. The 10 marks questions need answers within 150 words while the 20 marks questions need answers within 250 words.
The total marks allotted to this paper are 250 marks.
The questions are of two types:
Direct concept related questions which test the candidate’s understanding of ethical issues and concepts related to integrity and aptitude (125 marks)
Case studies which test the candidate’s application of those concepts to situations involving the candidate and other stakeholders such as politicians, pressure groups, the public and other people (125 marks)
This paper is the most variable of the four General Studies Papers and the nature of questions differ widely from year to year. Candidates should familiarise themselves with the syllabus, and the last few year’s patterns as well.
UPSC Mains General Studies Paper-IV Ethics Syllabus:
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