Do you think, therapy, coaching, psychology, and self-focus will cause you to become selfish or even narcissistic? Many do. But this is untrue.
Jerry Wise, life and relationship coach, suggests we first must learn about the how self-focus and selfishness works. He uses a Bowen/Friedman approach to helping and coaching.
Learn how self-focus and self-love and compassion for others flow from the same stream.
Reference: Uproar, Calm Leadership in Anxious Times by Peter L. Steinke
Jerry Wise shares his Bowen Family Systems approach to relationships and recovery.
Jerry Wise, MA, MS, CLC as of this date has over 269+ videos on You Tube. He has 43 years of experience helping people become more self-differentiated, unstuck, and overcome the effects of their family of origin imprinting and emotional functioning. He uses a Bowen Family Systems approach to help coach those who are in recovery, healing from Codependency and other dysfunctional family-of-origin issues.
#relationships #familydynamics #dysfunctionalrelationships #codependency #selfcare #Bowenfamilysystems #familyrelationships #jerrywise #selfdifferentiation
If you would like to learn how to recover through learning to become more calm, learning detachment and self-differentiation ...contact Jerry Wise and his team.
To work with Jerry Wise or his staff contact him at
He and his team work with individuals, couples, and families and business and organizational leader to become strong self-differentiating people and leaders.
Join Jerry's YouTube Channel,
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JerryWiseCon...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JerryWiseRS
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jerrywise.rs/
Also all of his videos are on Spotify and Anchor.fm for online and offline listening. You can take them with you in your car or at work.
"Not How but When" by Jerry Wise