Foods to reduce corona hair fall | Exercise for covid loss of smell taste | Dr Karthikeyan tamil
#coronahairfall || #coronasmellloss || #coronatasteloss || #corona || #drkarthikeyan || #tamil
In this video, doctor karthikeyan explains about loss of smell, loss of taste, parosmia, anosmia, phantosmia, hair loss and hair fall due to recent corona/covid infection. The reason for covid smell loss and parosmia, hair fall due to telogen effluvium is explained diagrammatically with the help of olfactory pathway, taste pathway and anatomy of hair. The olfactory training and the various foods that can help with regrowth of hair and prevent and reduce hair fall is explained in tamil in this video by dr karthikeyan.
Doctor Karthikeyan MBBS., MD (Community Medicine)
Dr Karthikeyan MBBS., MD (Community Medicine)
Email: karthikspm@gmail.com
Website: https://www.doctorkarthikeyan.com
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