Bible Class – Mark 6:1-30 -- 7:37 – “A Prophet Is Often Without Honor” led by Pastor John-Paul Meyer on August 29, 2021.
Read Mark 6:30-44 – Why did Jesus have compassion on the people (6:34)? What did that prompt Him to do? How did the disciples show that they still did not fully understand who Jesus was? What did the inventory of available supplies show? What parallels can you find between this account and Exodus 16:1-3, 11-15?
Read Mark 6:45-56 – If the disciples had understood about the loaves, they would have been prepared for their next amazing encounter with Jesus, but the had not. Why not (Mark 6:51-2)? To those familiar with such Old Testament passages as Isaiah 41:10, 13; 43:1-2; Job 9:8; Psalm 77:19, what do Jesus’ words and His walking on the water indicate?
Read Mark 7:1-23. What uncleanness is God concerned about? Why? What kind of obedience pleases Him?
Read Mark 7:24-30. Jesus’ mission while He was on earth was directed toward the people of Israel, as He told this woman in part of their dialog recorded in Matthew 15:24 but not here in Mark. In order to prepare the right conditions for the coming of the Savior, God had chosen Abraham and his descendants to be His people and to receive His revelation. It was to them, whom God had carefully prepared, that the Messiah, Jesus, came. It was only after Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension that God had widened the scope of His salvation to include the whole world, something that He had planned from eternity. But this woman, who wanted Jesus to step outside the bounds of His ministry, exhibited something in great contrast to Israel’s religious leaders and even to the disciples whose hearts remained hard after the feeding of the five thousand.
What did this woman exhibit? How? How did Jesus respond?
Read Mark 7:31-37. Then read Isaiah 35:4-6 which records the Old Testament promise that Jesus fulfilled in the healing of this man. Again Jesus tried to stop the spread of the news about what He had done because He did not want to be known merely as a miracle worker. But it was to no avail. What did the people confess about Him?