Videoclip extracted from Live Satsang, Sri Ranganath Mandir, Mauritius, 27 March 2020
In this video, Paramahamsa Vishwananda explains:
Understand one thing: Maha-Lakshmi lives on the chest of Narayana…but Bhagavan said, ‘I live in the heart of the devotee and the devotee live in My heart.’ There’s a difference, ‘on the chest’, ‘in the heart’. Do you understand the difference? One is outside and one is inside.
‘My devotee’s heart is with Me, and My heart is with My devotee.’ So, that is what one has to become. And this is a continuous reminder, life is a continuous reminder, that you belong to Him; that it is not just random like that that one has been born here. Some people will tell you, ‘Yes, it’s just random like this, just be happy here now’, and it’s finished. No. You don't want only to be happy now. You want to be happy eternally.
Live Satsang, Sri Ranganath Mandir, Mauritius, 27 March 2021: https://www.facebook.com/100044268617545/videos/197523098837332
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