how to: REUSABLE STICKER ALBUM | all the leftover stickers | planner organization, sticker storage

how to: REUSABLE STICKER ALBUM | all the leftover stickers | planner organization, sticker storage

Settle in for the first video in my new series: sorting out my leftover stickers!
It is a job that has been on my mind – and on my desk! – for a while, but I finally tackled the BOX OF DOOM ๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜‚
The reusable sticker album by Plannerface is SUCH a fabulous tool- I cannot wait for the whole thing to be completely full!

I had gathered all the random stickers I have saved since 2015(!) in here and after some different methods, I feel this is the one that will work best for me! Love a good planner organization video, especially if it is about sticker storage!

Hope you join in with my organizing and tackle your planner sticker kit leftovers!

Plannerface album:
Use LIZZU10 for 10% off your order and mention my name (Liselotte or Lizzu) to receive my freebie!

Shoutouts to:
- Alix: and
- Milan:
- Tilly:

TNs with reusable sticker paper video:

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Liselotte is a planner girl and stationery fan and shares her paper adventures via Instagram and YouTube. She travels the world and shares her finds and tips on locating the cutest planner goodies and stationery shops.
She is also one of the organisers of PlannerCon Europe, the European planner event held first in 2017 (sold out with 350 attendees); the next event was held in 2019 (sold out with 600 attendees). For the future edition, check
Some links might contain affiliate information.

#reusablestickeralbum #leftoverstickers #plannerorganization

Music by

00:00 introduction
06:25 the plan
10:09 sorting out the stickers (i)
10:44 changing the plan
12:02 sorting out the stickers (ii)
13:04 the sorting result
13:47 full boxes and half boxes
14:53 filling the album!
16:47 the final result
18:23 final thoughts

sticker storagereusable sticker bookssticker book

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