iiiwunder's debut album '2035' is out now:
Directed by iLL Wilds & Waves Universal Network
Shot by Moodxlens
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Our official website: https://www.wun.app/
+++ Episode WUN ] Lennon Shades
Have you ever sought an escape from this reality? Seems sometimes you can't be your true self? Psychadellics activate our truest human form & potential by allowing for our consciousncess to access new levels of perception, idea creation, & freedoms. Find comfort in 'Lennon Shades' where we put ourselves into that mental state & harness our super powers by incorporating free-flowing spiritual vocals paired with psychadellic consumption thus connecting us to our divinity & lordship. We call this genre, 'Psy-Hop'.
Popularity in this dim3nsion & societal constructs have little to no substance in the iii's of the Universe. We must relearn and reprogram to ascend this realm & get back to our truest form connecting with ourselves, nature, and most importantly, each other as humans. We are all interconnected similar to that of a radio station w/ frequencies of light, dark, and everything in between. Our movement aims to enlighten those searching for answers that have yet to be solved. It starts with you. Together, we can heighten the global concsiouscess.
Welcome to 2035 +++