MLC1807 Eight Places Where We Experience Difficulty In Performing Merits

MLC1807 Eight Places Where We Experience Difficulty In Performing Merits

Vol 18
Kamma&Rebirth - Part 2
The Buddhist doctrine of Kamma teaches
that every 'intentional' action (Kamma),
whether wholesome or unwholesome,
produces its inevitable results or effects
(Vipāka) in this life or in future birth.

The late Venerable advises us not to simply submit blindly to the results or effects of our past kamma. He encourages us to use our effort, knowledge, patience and wisdom to confront them, thereby possibly eliminating or at least minimizing the unwholesome kammic effects of our past kamma.
Nine more talks on the subjects of kamma and rebirth by the late Venerable are included in this volume. Learn about the different types of kammic effects, what constitute wrong views, what merits are generated from wholesome actions, etc. Five other talks on Buddhist teachings are also included.
The late Venerable Dr. K Sri Dhammananda (1919-2006) began his Dhammadūta work in Malaysia in 1952. Over the years, he delivered more than 5600 talks and also authored more than 55 publications. We are grateful to the Anatta Group for leading the project in re-compiling and editing the talks delivered by the late Venerable.

Track No. Duration
01 Twelve Kinds Of Kammic Effect
02 Four Types Of Individual - By Analysis Of Kammic Effects
03 Two Kinds Of Good Kamma - Lokiya & Lokuttara Kamma
04 How Can Kamma Itself Create The Effect
Without God To Implement It?
05 What Is Rebirth ?
06 How Can Rebirth Take Place Without A Soul?
07 Eight Places Where We Experience Difficulty performing Merits
08 Pañca Niyāma Dhamma - Five Natural Processes
09 The Problem Of No Disciplines
10 Ten Kinds Of Wrong Beliefs - Micchā Ditthi
11 Spirits & Ghosts
12 Buddhism For This World - Ten Kinds of Human Duties
13 Buddhist Attitude Towards Other Religions
14 Metta Meditation And Its Eleven Good Results


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