Naval Anchorage Gwadar is one of the most hyped projects in Gwadar. I covered development of the Block A of Naval Anchorage Gwadar few days back and got many request to explain map and plot rates as well. This is a quick video covering location of Naval Anchorage on Gwadar Master Plan, different plot cuttings, plot rates and expected balloting time.
All plots in Naval Anchorage Gwadar are non balloted. That means you will only buy a file and will be allocated a plot number later on. It is expected that balloting of Naval Anchorage Gwadar will be done before the end of 2021.
Located at an important location in Gwadar Master Plan, Naval Anchorage Gwadar can be one of the places to see some residential and commercial activity within next few years. Here are some features that project boasts about
A residential project over 1900 Acres
On the junction of Rakshan Avenue and Coastal Highway near Zero Point
Over 100 Acres of green spaces and parks
Approved by Gwadar Development Authority (GDA)
Gated community
Self sustaining amenities
Health Care facilities
Network of School, Colleges & University
World Class sport & recreation facilities
Safe and secure environment
Underground Electricty
Check out latest video I made on Naval Anchorage Development
Check out my other video I made on Naval Anchorage Gwadar almost six months ago.
For more information about the project, please feel free to contact me.
Ahsan Tauheed
CEO - Gwadar Jaidad
+923008131177 (Call / Whatsapp / imo)
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Email : gwadarjaidad@gmail.com