NASA discovered new exoplanets. Exoplanets are the planets beyond our solar system. Kepler space telescope helped us to discover more planets than any other telescopes. Some of these exoplanets have some similar features like our Earth. But, most of them are very much inhospitable for the life as we know it. Even though, alien life could be possible in these planets. Because life on Earth developed according to the ingredients available on earth. Just like that, in other planets, life could form from the ingredients available on that planet. When we think about this, life could literally be possible in any planet. Even in earth, there are some bizarre creatures like the tardigrades that could even survive space fore days! Imagine how life could be so different in other planets! We may not even be able to identify them as a life form. Watch this video to know more about the amazing facts about some newly discovered exoplanets and whether life is possible on those exoplanets.
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