![Secrets Of The Tenth House/ दशम भाव [Secrets Of The Houses #10]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hhqoIpNMttY/hqdefault.jpg)
Secrets Of The Tenth House/ दशम भाव [Secrets Of The Houses #10]
The tenth house represents a lot of things in your life- the actual karma you do, the kind of image that you project to the world, what kind of profession you choose, how you decide to live your life and so on. However, it is not always the best to look at this house from a solitary perspective. Watch out for Houses 1, 5 and 6 as well.
To know more, watch this video!
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To watch my Secrets of the Houses series, click here- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0PoGkQfZGww-aDITt0wcLxCqYwH3jUqk
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I hope you like this video and keep blessing me with your love and good wishes.
Hello! My birth name is Neha though my spiritual life is more connected to my name Davendri. I am an entrepreneur and an astrology researcher and I firmly believe that karma-based holistic astrology can help people become the best versions of themselves. My astrology and interpretations could be different from others. My most detailed work is on "Mind/Body Personality Types" which you can watch on my Mind Body Personality Types series. This series will introduce you to your lagna and moon sign in the most holistic way possible.
Astrology, cosmology and a deep interest in Indian traditions and stories behind them come naturally to me. I continue to learn, evolve and hope that my work will be useful to you. This channel is a free resource that I put my heart and soul into with faith that my message will reach you all. :) :)
May Ma Bhagwati bless us all!