Ep. 12 - Tech in Cannabis Recorded on 07-08-2021
Today we are joined by Jason Klein. President of Inanna Manufacturing. Inanna is a white label manufacturer of edibles, tinctures, pre-rolls, topicals and more. They have recently partnered with ALT, Advanced Liquid technology and are using nano technology to enhance absorption speed and consistency of edibles, making them more predictable and more appealing to the emerging market.
Instagram: @inanna_mfg
Tagline: TRICHOMES.com talks with game changers in the tech community to gain valuable insights into the future of the fast paced cannabis industry. To reach the show email: techincannabis@trichomes.com
#MedicalCannabis #CannabisTechnology #CannabisCommunity #CannabisIndustry #WhiteLabelCannabis #EdibleCannabis #EdibleManufacturing #CannabisConsumers #Nanotechnology