What are synthetic shares? What are phantom shares? Hedge funds like Citadel use synthetic and phantom shares to short stocks (as well as using them for certain hedging activities) to drive the price of a company's stock down. This video provides a high level overview easy enough for non-financial viewers to understand the general concept of synthetic stock shares and phantom shares and how they can be used against the retail investor by short selling hedge funds such as Citadel in stocks like AMC and GME. Please note as a high level overview certain minor aspects and formulas used to exactly calculate and implement synthetic positions have been purposely omitted.
If you are interested in learning how hedge funds use synthetic shares and phantom shares to create more shares than the free float and cover FTDs in stocks like AMC and GME | Gamestop please drop me a comment in the video and I will do a more in depth follow up video specific to the topic of synthetic share abuse and dark pool abuse.
This video is not financial advice. I am not a financial advisor.
#AMC #DarkPoolAbuse #BuyTheDips #ShortsHaveNotCovered #AMCShortSqueeze
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Song: Rival - Throne (ft. Neoni) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Throne
Watch: http://youtu.be/midpbHJ4EIk
The AMC short squeeze has not happened! Many AMC price predictions have been made by Matt Kohrs, Trey’s Trades, ReviewDork, Short The Vix, AndrewMoMoney, Lou vs Wall Street, The Masked Investor, Roensch Capital, ClayBro and Meet Kevin. Subscribe to Tony Denaro for Tony’s AMC livestreams and AMC price predictions. Looking for AMC analysis and predictions? What is happening with AMC today? Join Tony’s AMC live stream and get all the latest information on the AMC stock price. Will AMC go up? Is AMC a buy? The hedgies have not covered. A Gamma Squeeze looks likely - Diamond Hands! Shorts have not covered! Citadel owns the PFOF system so is the price of AMC being manipulated? What are your thoughts on AMC? Drop a comment on today’s video and don’t forget to subscribe!
The AMC short squeeze began late 2020 along with the GameStop short squeeze. Many people on reddit WallStreetBets realized the high GME short interest and bought in cheap. AMC short squeeze was also a potential but did not gain traction until May 2021. GameStop short interest has declined but GME price today remains high thanks to a crowd of GME believers. AMC stock price reached $72 in late May 2021 and is currently consolidating. Many AMC apes believe the price of AMC is being manipulated by Citadel and hedge funds. When will the AMC short squeeze happen? What is the AMC price target? Opinions vary but the consensus is soon and to the moon!
Small brokers like Robinhood, Webull and Interactive Brokers all stopped Buy orders during the GameStop squeeze in January 2021 due to liquidity issues and the inability to provide capital to the DTCC. In addition they use PFOF (Payment For Order Flow). Consider using a larger broker like Fidelity to minimize the risk of being shut out during the upcoming AMC short squeeze.