Acquiring More Resources | Less expensive equipment can work just as well, but nothing beats Brains

Acquiring More Resources | Less expensive equipment can work just as well, but nothing beats Brains

I spent a dollar on a new whiteboard in order to show you how easy it is to acquire new equipment without spending a whole lot of money. of course I wanted a much more costly setup I'd love to have All the best equipment in order to help me do my job better. and maybe one day I'll get the best equipment, but for now I'm working with what I have and that is cost-effective improvements.

at the same time acquiring more resources isn't limited to gear. You can also spend the time necessary to acquire knowledge by going on YouTube and watching videos by Google searches and by asking questions. take the time to improve your knowledge. they say that knowledge is power and I will have to agree that the more you know the more resources you have to make yourself better.

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