Birth Plan Template: 5 Key Factors to Include in your Birth Plan

Birth Plan Template: 5 Key Factors to Include in your Birth Plan

What is a Birth Plan? Should a Birth Plan include BREASTFEEDING ?

You may be asking yourself, "Do I need a birth plan?"

Please understand that this is not about whether you do or don't NEED a birth plan.

That decision is 100% yours to make as a unique woman, and we support every woman in the choices that she makes.

This post is for particularly for those women who are interested in learning about what they may like to consider including in their birth plan from Dr Robyn Thompson, midwife and breastfeeding specialist with over 45 years experience.

In Dr Robyn Thompson's experience, many women are not aware that the events that occur during labor and birth greatly influence breastfeeding.

This makes the decisions that a woman makes during this time, super important.

This is why we encourage women to become well informed during pregnancy (first, second or third trimester), rather than waiting until you have your baby in your arms.

By gaining the knowledge, you'll have more confidence to make informed decisions, thereby reducing the risk of complications during your labor, birth AND with breastfeeding.

So, let's get back to writing a birth plan template, which includes considerations for breastfeeding....

Every woman is unique and every birth plan is unique.

This is not to tell you how to write a birth plan...

It's to share some considerations that may help you in the process of creating your own unique, gentle birth plan.

And of course, it's important to acknowledge that things don't always go to plan.....

But if you take the time make a birth plan (we highly recommend using a birth plan template), you'll be increasing your knowledge about what some of the common complications are, what's likely to be recommended for you and most importantly, what's important to you.

A birth plan is also an important tool to have clear communication with your partner, your advocate and/or the professionals who will be looking after you.

Where can I find the best birth plan template?
There are number of free birth plan examples or sample birth plan, with birth plan questions and suggestions for you to choose from. When choosing your birth plan template, it's important to consider what's most important to you, so that key considerations are not omitted. Remember, this is your birth plan, designed to help you achieve the most natural and gentle birth experience for you and your baby. There may be some things you will need to further discuss with hospital staff, but remember, it's your body, it's your baby and it's your birth and breastfeeding experience.

"I wanted to say a big thank you to Dr Robyn & team for this amazing course and for the gentle birth & breastfeeding plan template. Without it I wouldn't have had the confidence to go into hospital and outline my wishes for the birth. I was told at the last minute that there was no chance of a home birth for me and I would need to be induced and there was no other option. I was extremely nervous & upset about being induced without my husband. Luckily when I arrived at the hospital I had a great midwife who listened to me, read my birth plan and went out of her way to follow it as closely as she could. I had a sweep, ARM, gas & air and gave birth in the pool. I managed to get one golden hour with no interruptions and a great first feed (it would have been more but I had complications). Thank you for helping me begin my breastfeeding journey! x



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*Medical Disclaimer:
Certain information in this video may deal with health, midwifery and medical related issues. Please note that the information contained in this video is not intended to be medical advice, nor does anything contained in this video create any health, midwifery or medical practitioner-woman relationship, or supplant any in-person health, midwifery or medical consultation or examination. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition and before seeking any treatment. Professional advice should always be sought for specific conditions and specific circumstances. Never disregard professional health or medical advice or delay in seeking medical treatment due to information obtained from this video. Any information from this video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. This video is for information purposes only. The information in this video is not intended to replace health, midwifery or medical care, nor is it intended to be (or should be taken for) medical diagnosis or treatment.

birth plan templatebirth planbirthing plan

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