This is part 1 in a 5 part series, click below for more.
In session 1 you will learn:
• Consumer trends - who’s likely to splurge?
• How to reach Gen X, Millenials and Gen Z
• Understanding and sharing your story
Boost Your Business: Tools and Resources for Going Digital is targeted at sustaining and growing our small businesses on the Eastside. This new initiative is being led by Startup425 with support from Bellevue College and OneEastside SPARK. The program is focused on supporting those businesses disproportionately affected by COVID-19, with an emphasis on businesses owned by women, minorities, and people of color.
Session 1 - Welcome & Overview of Going Digital: https://youtu.be/QfHaWQr4xL4
Session 2 - Reaching Your Customers With Your Story: https://youtu.be/V8awttWJrNc
Session 3 - Get Your Local Business on Google: https://youtu.be/79pTY6YcMyM
Session 4 - Learn & Transform to Get Your Story to Customers: https://youtu.be/Qw85B1grghU
Session 5 - Boost with Facebook & Vendor Fair: https://youtu.be/ALFFaiE4GMI
For more resources and information about Boost Your Business visit https://oneeastside.org/program/boost-your-business/
#smallbusiness #smallbusinesssupport #boostyourbusiness