As empaths, sensitive beings, or intuitives, it’s important that we feel the energy around us to determine how we’re going to exist in our lives and in the larger world.
But as we grow, many of us don’t have healthy boundaries modeled for us. Without boundaries, we start to build habits that collect trauma and negative energy in our energy fields.
While our old habits weren’t necessarily bad, they likely aren’t what you need at this time — when your system is communicating and receiving information in new and different ways.
You’re being called to evolve on a spiritual, energetic soul level. It can feel overwhelming to take on by yourself...
Listen to this video and explore how to detox your energy body, set and hold boundaries, and step into your empathic intuition.
Join Wendy for Becoming an Empowered Empath, a powerful 3-day online retreat (held on Friday, September 17 - Sunday, September 19) full of teachings, guided energy clearings, and much more. You can learn more here: https://wendyderosa.com/becoming-an-empowered-empath/