Las Vegas: Going legitimate
There are nearly 2.3 million people in Las Vegas and the surrounding area of Clark County. Once derided as a cultural backwater, Las Vegas has evolved into an economic power that outstrips the output of whole countries. It is one of the country’s leading vacation destinations, drawing far more tourists than the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone National Park. Surrounding the strip is the 25th largest city in the United States. It is a community that may or may not be related in the gambling, tourism, and all the other unmentionables that had Author Joan Didion dub it “Sin City”. Las Vegas functions like a City State with a Cruise Liner at the core. The Las Vegas strip is not part of the city of Las Vegas, but its own entity that is run by Clark County. Where the ship never moves and there are no clocks telling the passengers to stop partying. Instead, flights from around North America descend to a city built on a swamp in the middle of the desert and drop 42.5 million people each year to spend over 58 billion dollars. Las Vegas tourism - just like the cruise ship industry - have been among the hardest hit. The reasons around this are obvious and can be summed up in a half hearted shrug followed by the word “Lockdown”. However, the incredible part of Las Vegas’s story is not how it has stumbled, but how it has been able to rise and reinvent itself multiple times.
Economy of Las Vegas: Plan To Outlive Gambling