Hello everyone! Welcome back to my channel on this beautiful Sunday!
I hope you are all keen to craft today. I have another small project using my new Autumn Lustre Digital Kits.
Today, we will be making a a quick and easy Envelope Pocket project. It is a great way to use up your loose book pages and your paper and fabric scraps. I have had a lot of fun putting this together, so I am hoping you are keen to following along with me and enjoy the journey.
This would make a wonderful happy mail or gift for someone special, as well as a lovely page layout in your journal. So come and join me.
You can share what you have made with me, in my Facebook Group.
Here is the link for my Facebook Group Fans of Angela Kerr Designs: https://www.facebook.com/groups/326471378943654/?ref=share
Here is my Etsy link for my NEW and current Printed kits in my store: Etsy as Angela Kerr Designs or https://etsy.me/2RR1qhm
They are:
Autumn Sentiment digital sheets: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1060887116/autumn-sentiments-digital-sheets?ref=shop_home_active_1
Autumn Lustre Digital Journal Pages: https://etsy.me/2VYOn33
Autumn Lustre Digital Add On Kit: https://etsy.me/3mhIeKm
Autumn Lustre Digital Ephemera Kit: https://etsy.me/3xXvF9n
I do offer printed kits and the Autumn Lustre Complete Printed Kits (all 3 of them) are available in my Etsy shop: https://etsy.me/37SHlQ3
Plumbowtique on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/793363339/dip-dye-variegated-blush-100-pure-silk?ga_search_query=dip%2Bdyed&ref=shop_items_search_3
For all my favourite tools: Including all I have used in today's project can be found in my Amazon Favourites lists below.
My Amazon Favourite Crafting tools list UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/angelakerr
My Amazon Favourite Crafting tools list USA: https://www.amazon.com/shop/angelakerr
My Amazon Favourites Crafting Tools List Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/shop/angelakerr
My Amazon Favourites Crafting Tools List Germany: https://www.amazon.de/shop/angelakerr
My Amazon Favourites Crafting Tools List Australia:
These are some of my favourite tools, that I use on a regular basis while crafting.
As an Amazon Associate I do earn a small commission on qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.
You can find me on: (links on my Youtube main page!)
Instagram at: Angela Kerr Designs or www.instagram.com/Angelakerrdesigns/
Etsy as Angela Kerr Designs or https://etsy.me/2RR1qhm
Pinterest: Angela K. https://pin.it/%2BTh0V1q
My email which is: Angelakerr2468@gmail.com
My Facebook Group: Fans of Angela Kerr Designs
Have fun crafting!! 🤗
Angela x
Thank you so much for watching.