Loch Ness Monster Live Cam by Nessie on the Net!

Loch Ness Monster Live Cam by Nessie on the Net!

https://www.lochness.co.uk Scotland's Officially Original award winning Nessie The Loch Ness Monster website and the webcams. Please note: It is dark at Loch Ness between approximately 21.30 and 04.45 GMT (UK British time).
If you are looking for beautiful streaming live video from the Scottish Highlands, you've found it! Plus a chance for Loch Ness monster hunters and cryptozoologists (people who study cryptozoology) to capture that precious image of Nessie (you could be lucky!) or to just revel in the tranquil scenery and watch the sheep go about their business in the paddock. All courtesy of our livecam!

lock nessnessyLoch Ness

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