Save your spot for "The Blueprint For Personal & Professional Success in 2021" live webclass here:
The lessons students are learning are no longer practical. Where are the lessons on maximizing productivity to avoid burnout, setting and achieving long-term goals, and finance management to avoid surprises later on in life?
I want to teach you how to create a blueprint that will set you on a path to becoming more productive, long-term focused, and financially responsible so you can achieve personal success (and freedom!) without feeling burnt out, uninspired, or unappreciated.
These are the topics I am covering in a special new webclass on September 10th at 11:00 am PT. I would love to have you join me!
During this class, we will identify:
*A tool I use daily to maximize productivity, create and hold myself accountable to long term personal and professional goals
*How to make small changes to daily spending that will add up to massive results over the course of your life
*A specific lesson on my investing approach & tools to boost confidence (and comfort) with financial decisions, whether business or personal
As always, you will receive a special resource I have created for you, and so much "edutainment," that I promise you don’t want to miss it.
Sign up now with the link below, save the date and join me live!