#BabaAropoIre #YorubaNation #YorubaNationNow #Nigeria #Lagos #Yoruba #Buhari #BabaBanjiAkintoye
Greetings to all Yoruba descendants all over the world.
WhatsApp Or Telegram number to contribute on this program : +18632690598
Olootu eto: Baba Aropo Ire From United States
You can buy different merchandise on our store, (YKTV) store. You can buy your Yoruba Nation caps, mugs, shirts, sleeves and more.
NINA'S petition for Referendum is out. And it is official. *Register and select Yoruba land.* Your petition will be acknowledged. And, please forward to your contacts who are Yoruba everywhere. We are getting closer. 👇 Click on https://ninasffn.org/demand-referendum/
Visit our website: https://yorubakingdomtv.com/
Proposed Yoruba Nation Constitution:
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