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While searching for a kidney donor, Karen Keegan stumbled upon a mystery. After undergoing genetic testing, it turned out that some of her cells had a completely different set of genes from the others. And this second set of genes belonged to her twin sister— who had never been born. How did this happen? Kayla Mandel Sheets explores the condition known as chimerism.
Lesson by Kayla Mandel Sheets, directed by Luísa M H Copetti, Hype CG.
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View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/you-could-have-a-secret-twin-but-not-the-way-you-think-kayla-mandel-sheets
Dig deeper with additional resources: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/you-could-have-a-secret-twin-but-not-the-way-you-think-kayla-mandel-sheets#digdeeper
Check out our full book recommendation: https://shop.ed.ted.com/collections/ted-ed-book-recommendations/products/the-vanishing-half
Animator's website: https://www.luisacopetti.com and https://www.hype.cg
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