Tori and I are building our dream home based on a real dream. We believe we have the gift of hospitality and hosting and helping others experience freedom, healing, and loving friendship through staying with us in our home! That’s why we designed it the way we did. It WILL absolutely be a place of ministry. But remember ministry isn’t just for best friends. Jesus came to die for the same people who resisted, hated, and had Him killed. So we can’t only seek to do life with the people who like what we like and who talk the way we talk. It has to be bigger than that.
Sometimes life is so much bigger than doing what fits into our world view or what is convenient for our schedule. Life, in Christ, is about dying to our selfishness and sharing the same unconditional love we were shown on the cross with our neighbor. We may not always like our neighbor or get along with them, heck you may think they are bad people. But God is the judge, Jesus is the redeemer, the Holy Spirit is the helper and you, you my friend, are the lover. That means reconciling with your family if that is a possibility. That means praying for those who you don’t get along well with. That means agreeing to disagree and not letting someone’s opinion stop you from being loving to them! I do say this under the preface that you do need to protect your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual boundaries! If someone is completely unhealthy for you to do life with that is a different story. But through the power of the Holy Spirit and God working all things for Good, we can have confidence that Jesus is the ultimate reconciler and will guide you in those situations!
We love you a ton and are praying for each of you who reads this right this second.
-Chad & Tori
There is a hint to our project in this video haha
1. Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/themastersfam
2. Our Instagrams:
Tori's- https://www.instagram.com/torimasters/
Chad's- https://www.instagram.com/chadmasters/
Podcast- https://www.instagram.com/themessymasterpiecepodcast/
3. Daily Devotional Podcast: https://toriandchad.buzzsprout.com
4. Books and other things we recommend: https://www.amazon.com/shop/torimasters
5. Our website to get on email list for prayers and updates: https://www.toriandchad.com/
6. Our Mailbox:
Tori and Chad Masters
2161 E County Rd 540a
# 144
Lakeland, FL 33813
7. Podcast with the Boyz: https://linktr.ee/PromptUs