Customer States "Truck Died On Highway" | Just Rolled In

Customer States "Truck Died On Highway" | Just Rolled In

Welcome to Just Rolled In!

For today's episode we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

Hope you enjoyed the video and leave a like (if you want). Thanks for watching!

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Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro
0:05 This customer had their timing belt break while they were driving on the highway. It's an interference engine so by design, interference engines are susceptible to critical failure in the event of a timing belt failure.
I did not get more information on how many miles on this truck.
0:31 As described. That's a very worn u-joint on a Land Rover Defender 110. It's definitely has been like that for a while. As you can see theirs a grease insert on the u-joint which looks pretty dry so who knows when the last time it was greased as well.
0:45 As described. This 2014 Hyundai Tucson just had a ignition coil just replaced and five minutes later in the parking lot in caught on fire. Did not receive anymore information.
1:07 As described. Must have gotten that broken bolt a little too hot lol.
Did not get any more information on this picture or the make/model.
1:20 This must be the headlight fluid everybody is talking about lol.
1:29 As described but I did not get anymore information regarding these photos. Who knows the true story on why this newer Supra is all smashed up.
1:47 A mechanic couldn't find why this tire kept going flat, until he sprayed some soapy water onto the rim and he found a very small pinhole.
2:05 Well can't say I've ever seen this before, wow lol.
He mentioned this was on a Corvette in Texas, so has anybody in Texas seen this before? lol
2:15 As described. Gross lol.
2:29 As described. Dealership bought this 2019 Ford Raptor from auction, and they didn't know that the front differential and broken.
2:39 The prices of new and used cars right now are ridiculous. Anybody else seeing insane prices where they live?
2:47 Ford E-350 (van). Really worn front rotors. Mechanic didn't mention what was the cause (if a caliper seized etc.)
2:58 As described and wow those are worn down! lol
3:09 Clip was sent in by a viewer who was waiting at a tire shop and saw this Jeep driving away like this.
3:21 Outro. Thanks for watching!

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