Use my exclusive link here https://cen.yt/TradeMorganDrinks5 to get your first bag from Trade Coffee for free!
Would you call these espresso machines? Would you not? What would you call them?
Spoiler alert, here are my two favorites from today's test:
P.S... I'm going to Italy next year and you can join me! Learn more here: https://trovatrip.com/trips/italy-with-morgan-eckroth-oct-2022
Aaaaaaand here are some more links if you're interested:
MDC merch: https://mdcdrip.com
Find me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@morgandrinkscoffee?lang=en
Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/morgandrinkscoffee/?hl=en