Intelligent people possess several different types of intelligence, including but not limited to intellectual, social, and emotional intelligence.
So let’s discus signs of an intelligent person.
1.You're Empathetic & Compassionate,
There's a correlation between high emotional intelligence and high IQ in psychological assessments.
2.You're Curious About the World,
It's easy to assume that highly intelligent people like to read. But being smart isn’t about having the ability to go through a number of books a day.
3. You're Observant,
The smartest person in the room isn’t always the loudest. "In a world where people talk to prove who they are, highly intelligent people are the opposite.
4. You Have Self-Control,
Having self-control means you’re mature.
5. You Have a Good Working Memory,
When you have a good working memory, this means you have executive functioning skills, good short-term memory, the ability to focus and pay attention.
6. You Recognize Your Limits,
Highly intelligent people don't try to act as if they know everything. In fact, a sign of intelligence is recognizing the fact that you don't know everything.
7. You Like to Go with the Flow,
The smartest people don’t waste time worrying over things they can’t control.
8. You Ask Thoughtful Questions & Build Off Conversations,
Highly intelligent people do things with purpose. They don’t just ask a bunch of questions for the sake of asking questions.
9. People Trust & Follow You,
If people seem to trust your judgement and look up to you as a leader, that’s a sign that you may be highly intelligent.
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