The future of a human-centered digitised education | Isabell Fries | TEDxInnsbruck

The future of a human-centered digitised education | Isabell Fries | TEDxInnsbruck

The COVID-19 crisis changed our social communication, work behavior and learning processes. This requires an adaptation of the competencies that the educational institutions are especially responsible for communicating. Not only digital skills, but also so-called human skills such as collaboration, creativity, empathy or emotional intelligence, are becoming tremendously important. What skills do we need in the future for an increasingly dynamic and unpredictable world of work and life? How does the transformation from focusing on knowledge formation to the development of future skills succeed? How do teaching and learning places have to change and what role do educational institutions, companies and civil society play in this? Transformations in society, culture, economy, politics, employment and knowledge require us to fundamentally rethink how we perceive, organise and reinvent education. It is time to think more digital and to relearn how to be human. Because being human is the next big thing! Isabell Fries is a communications expert among politics and media in Munich. In July 2021, she got selected on the „30 under 30“ list from PR Report. After having graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Politics and Economics from Zeppelin University in 2017 with semesters abroad in Odense and Brussels she finished her MSc at Copenhagen Business School in 2019. Due to her expertise in future skills she got invited to the University of Cambridge’s Institute for Manufacturing. As a member of Darwin College she researched about uniquely human abilities, future skills and the future of work. Having experienced best of both worlds: the innovative Nordic as well as the traditional Cambridge view on education, Isabell wants to share her insights and solutions how the educational system needs to be rethought. As a speaker and expert within the topics of the future of education and future skills, she had the honor to work and discuss with renowned experts at numerous events, e.g. Google Copenhagen, OECD or Aalto University. Isabell asks herself: what are future trends and what are the challenges in tackling them and has special interests in AI and the future of education. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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