32GB Memory on M1 Pro vs M1 Max Photography Apps Test & Comparison. All things equal will the M1 Pro with up to 200 GB/s vs the M1 Max up to 400 GB/s memory speed make any differences in various real world use case using Lightroom Classic, Lightroom, Photoshop, Capture 1 and Final Cut Pro. The answer might surprise you, find out more in this video. Also check out my other reviews below as well.
M1 Max 64 GB RAM Photo Review https://youtu.be/5ESZDAeZ9vo
How to calibrate these new Liquid Retina XDR Displays https://youtu.be/cLl01EjHU3Q
16" MacBook Pro base review https://youtu.be/yrHH1Ge7wZo
More bits about the M1 Pro and M1 Max https://youtu.be/AyRHzg3_284
14" Base MacBook Pro Review with 32 GB RAM, Why this is an awesome machine! https://youtu.be/wnAsd4s54Xk
16 GB vs 32 GB, why you want 32 GB https://youtu.be/Nx6cJkJzvhA
Diglloyd Photoshop Test
AnAndTech M1 Pro, M1 Max Article https://www.anandtech.com/show/17024/apple-m1-max-performance-review
Time Stamps
00:00 Intro
00:17 Preface
01:02 Background
01:19 Spec differences
01:35 Cost
01:55 Anandtech Analysis
02:50 Test Systems
03:40 The rest of the test systems
04:12 System on a Chip SOC
04:32 CPU Core Analysis
05:10 SSD Size & Speed
06:33 Real World Test
06:40 High Power Mode on M1 MAX
07:22 Optimization Caution
07:58 Lightroom Classic LRC
08:25 LRC 1K RAW 1:1 Preview Pro vs Max
08:48 LRC 1K RAW 1:1 on other M1
09:01 LRC 1K RAW 1:1 on all test systems
09:12 LRC 1K RAW Export Pro vs Max
09:45 LRC 1K RAW Exp on other M1
09:52 LRC 1K RAW Exp on all test systems
11:07 LRC 1K RAW Exp on Battery
12:00 Fan Noise 14” vs 16”
12:34 Fan Noise on all systems
12:58 LRC HDR Merge Pro vs Max
13:12 LRC HDR Merge on other M1
13:27 LRC HDR Merge on all test systems
13:32 LRC Pano Merge Pro vs Max
13:59 LRC Pano Merge on other M1
14:30 LRC Pano Merge on all test systems
14:41 LR CC Export 1K Pro vs Max
15:23 LR CC Export 1K on other M1
15:54 CPU Utilization Analysis LRC vs LRCC
17:21 Capture 1 C1 Import Pro vs Max
17:55 C1 on other M1
18:05 C1 on all test systems
18:19 C1 Export GPU Pro vs Max
19:04 C1 Export GPU on others M1
20:02 C1 Export GPU all test systems
20:46 C1 Export on Battery
22:27 Photoshop PS Benchmarks
22:30 Diglloyd Test
22:35 Excerpt for each test
23:02 PS Speed Test Pro vs Max
23:55 PS Speed Test other M1
24:03 PS Speed Test all test systems
24:07 PS Medium 15.7 GB Pro vs Max
24:54 PS Medium 15.7 GB Other M1
25:07 PS Medium 15.7 GB all test systems
25:10 PS Huge 56GB Pro vs Max
25:46 PS Huge 56GB Other M1
26:09 PS Huge 56GB all test systems
26:38 Final Cut Pro FCP
26:40 FCP H.264 all M1 Pro & Max
27:04 FCP H.264 all test systems
27:06 FCP HEVC 8 Bit M1 Pro & Max
27:21 FCP HEVC 8 bit all test systems
27:24 FCP ProRes 422 M1 Pro & Max
27:47 FCP RAM Usage & Recommendation
28:14 32GB Thoughts on Pro vs Max
29:06 Choosing the best GPU base on Usage
29:49 14” Price differences between Pro & Max
30:35 16” Price differences between Pro & Max
31:00 Size/Battery/Thermo/Performance 14 vs 16
32:57 Photo - Adobe App Recommended Configs
33:59 Photo - Capture 1 Recommended Configs
34:45 Video recommended Configs
35:21 Final Thoughts & Wrap up
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Director of Photography & Filming by
Art Suwansang