Get the InstaGame course and turn your IG profile into a DATE-MAGNET: https://bit.ly/3Eyhf2Y
Learn how to make girls OBSESSED with YOU over text (The Godly Texting Guide): https://godlytexting.com [Use code 'CORONATIME' for a 20% discount]
Get 1 FREE week of personal coaching with me: https://godlytexting.com/the-based-brotherhood-optin
Learn how to APPROACH & ATTRACT any Girl (The God Approach course): http://bit.ly/godapproach [Use code 'CORONATIME' for a 20% discount]
Subscribe to my shorts channel for daily videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmI7PedGfSia7NBFTcu3aCA
Get the BEST opening line EVER discovered for apps like Tinder & Hinge (my friend Jesse's new video): https://endlessoptions.com/basedzeus
GET THE TEXTING MINI-COURSE (100% FREE): https://godlytexting.com/get-free-mini-course-right-away
0:00 Intro
1:07 Approaching from behind
1:53 Unsolicited dick pics
2:23 Relentless DMing
3:06 Procrastinating the approach
4:04 Coming on too strong too fast
Learn how to SEND the PERFECT Tinder Message + MY SCREENSHOTS: https://bit.ly/2MuIDVj
Learn The Facetime HACK that gets me 10x MORE DATES: https://basedzeus.clickfunnels.com/optin22609080
SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/29xqSWN
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Business, Sponsorship Inquiries, and Product Review Requests: zeus@basedzeus.com
If you have a dating/life/style advice question, comment it below or post it on my Instagram @iambasedzeus I reply to as many as I have time for. Don't email it because I only use email for business and you'll be less likely to receive a reply.
Background Music by: Superstaar Beats & PatternBased
*Disclaimer: Some of these links are affiliate links that help fund this channel and help me pay my amazing team of editors, all links are my genuine, authentic recommendations.